My own difficulty was the very reason why even to this day, I want to help other people who, for whatever reason, are anxious right now, and need some help to navigate this path.
What I do want to reassure you of is that this absolutely can go away, and that you, yourself will work out the way. You are absolutely capable of this; however bad you believe yourself to be.
It will be my mission to share my journey with you, though these courses, through the Fear Monster® packages, and through my books, in a way in which you can understand this process and work with your own fear.
I will tell you that this is not about getting rid of anxiety (as much as you may like to). An actual fear response will always be important when you are in danger! This journey will be about removing the feeling of fear in normal everyday situations where it is not needed as you are not in danger!
As you work through this process, your anxiety will become much more insignificant until you just stop paying it as much attention, you will not need to focus on it to the extent that you may be doing right now.
So firstly, let’s work on your raising your confidence in yourself to manage the intensity of this fear and to work through it as you feel it.
I am going to teach you some strategies so that you are able to build a toolbox to manage your symptoms.
Then when you are able to feel more able to navigate your symptoms, then we can go onto working on what has been driving them for you!
The Course
The anxiety strategies course will provide tools for you to gain confidence in managing and reducing the intensity of your anxious feelings. The content aim is to help you to build a personal toolbox of strategies to work effectively with and navigate your symptoms.
Building confidence to work with anxious symptoms is really important. This is because you need to learn to respond to the symptoms in a way in which helps you to reduce your fear response and not in a way in which keeps you stuck (more about this in the course!)
I wish to provide you with both clarity and tools to work with your anxiety and this course together with the anxiety awareness course, will provide you with the foundation knowledge that will help you to begin to do this for yourself.
If you then choose, you can begin to work through the Fear Monster ® packages, but you do not have to. You know yourself better that anyone and there should be no obligation at all to purchase anything you do not feel may help you.
Course Information
A brief summary of some of this course content:
- What is wrong with you and what is happening?
- How anxiety needs to be worked with
- Information about how this fear works
- Responses and reactions
- How to get it right
- Awareness of what you are doing
- Strategies
- Implantation
- How to view setbacks
- What next?
- Plus, much more!
In my experience, it is important to source the information that you look for, from knowledgeable and positive sources as the aim is to reduce your fear with the truth, not to source incorrect information that will increase your fear!
This course is available to buy as a one-off purchase and is pre recorded so that you are able to have lifetime access and can work through the course content, in your own surroundings at a pace that works for you.
None of my courses are professionally recorded, this is purposeful as I want them to be relatable, to reflect the realness of who I am, and the story I wish to tell.
The course is priced at £75
I know that it is entirely possible for anyone to regain their quality of life from anxious feelings and everyone is capable of doing this for themselves!
A bit about your host
My name is Michelle, you may know me as the creator and the voice behind the website it’s just a feeling.
It’s just a feeling was placed online during the year 2000 and I have always funded it myself. It was a website that I had created during my own journey with anxious feelings as it was important to me to support others through theirs.
Within the website, I was able to document my own journey of overcoming panic attacks, constant anxiety and the reversal of housebound agoraphobia.
Back in those days, there was no social media and there was nothing to help me to understand either what was happening to me, or what I was doing in my own responses to my fears that was making me feel worse and keeping me stuck.
In some way, I guess I could be seen as one of the very first/original self-help sites for anxiety.
Since those early years, the site has remained on line and I am sorry to say over the years my input dwindled a little. This was not because I had lost interest, but honestly, in part because of time commitments as I had been studying ever since, and in part my own self-doubt had gotten in the way of me continuing to share my knowledge and experiences of what has been a very honest personal journey. It was a real shame, but admittedly I felt that I lost my creativity.
However, I am happy to say that last year (2023) something else happened to me, quite an unbelievable and unexpected turn of events that gave me a “unique” opportunity to revisit my past. This was not something I would have ever wanted to do, but I had no choice.
What transpired during this time enabled me to see that the Fear Monster journey could have yet another dimension, one in which I was able to show others how to conclude his journey. It has given me such passion back that it is almost exploding out of me. My passion has returned, I am prepared to step outside of my introversions and to explain anxiety to you, in a way in which you will be able to see the whole process of working with these feelings.
It didn’t feel like it at the time, but now I feel very fortunate for this turn of events, it has made even more sense to me, and I am sure it will to you too!
I have things that are very important to say, things that I feel will help a lot of people and I am now ready, there has been a gap in my input, but now I feel that gap was necessary.
It is the right time for me to re-gather the reins and complete what started as a very passionate mission for me to support others in this journey all those years ago!