About Me

Hello and Welcome, I am Michelle!
I imagine that you are here and reading my introduction, because you may be interested in understanding if I am able to support you in some way!
With your curiosity in mind, I think it is important to pen a short account of who I am and why I do what I do!

There is of course, more context to my story, and this is a shortened version! but my journey “seemed” to begin in the year 1999 when I was working as a medical devices Representative (I did this for around 20 years in all) and I my husband and I had not long since started our family.

At a family birthday party, I experienced quite a significant panic attack and this seemed to me at that time, to be the “start” of a very personally painful journey and a mission to rid myself of these terrifying symptoms.

In those days, there was no internet or “influencers” and there was no information that I was able to find that could help me to understand: A. What was happening to me, and B. What I was unknowingly doing to make this worse for myself.

I made myself a promise during this time. That I would write a web page (It’s just a feeling”) and I would fund it myself. This website would detail my journey with anxiety and my mission: “To help others to understand what was happening to them, and how they could be making their symptoms worse for themselves with their responses to their fear. I wanted people to be able to understand this fear and to feel empowered by my experiences enough to work with their own. I wanted no one else to feel like I had.

I used to think to myself that if I could help just one person then my efforts would have been worth it. Incidentally, the response from those who found me, was overwhelming. I worked with people all over the world and this led my drive to learn more and to reach a larger number of people with all of my work. The work on the website has dwindled over the years but remains online. This really is only because my own time became more limited as I had chosen to study further over the coming years.


The work I did on it’s just a feeling did reveal to me my purpose and the way that I had approached my work at that time remains the root of my approach and how I would describe to you my abilities.

“To share my knowledge through authentic experience. Fundamentally, I share my personal and professional experiences in order to help others with theirs”

This has always reflected the essence of who I am, and how I would describe my superpower. This forms the basis of all of my work, and my contribution to the world.


I became quite keen to train further to give my client’s further confidence in my abilities to support them. First, I trained as a Life coach, and then as a Psychotherapist. Clinically, I gained two degrees, I studied in clinical supervision and different modalities of therapy, as well as in EMDR.

Commercially, prior to any therapeutic training, I had spent a number of years selling medical equipment to the NHS through procurement and supporting those using the equipment in clinical settings. I have worked within charitable organisations within funding, management, and as a therapist. In addition, I have worked within hospice-based settings as a therapist, and in safeguarding roles within services with children and young people. I have commissioned therapeutic services and worked as an advisory and speaker. In recent years, I am working within my private practice supporting adults, children and young people.

All of my career choices have in some way helped me to understand both clinical and no clinical sides of services, and have provided me with a unique skill set that I am able to draw on during my present work.

Currently, my career has been guiding me in new directions, I am currently revisiting and updating my content on it’s just a feeling and my work with anxious feelings, in writing my Fear Monster books and the development of my Domestic Abuse and other unique concepts, training which I will offer to professionals.

I do see this as a natural progression as it allows me to help a greater number of people. It is a naturally evolving approach for me and one which fits well with the person I am today. I will still aim to work with a small but reduced client base, and this will remain an important part of my approach.



I strive hard to be present in my personal life. My time with heightened anxious feelings, often threatened my ability to feel present so today, “living” truly and presently is very important to me, as is my self value and self care.

I take nothing for granted and remain grateful for my life and I am always mindful that life can be fleeting.

I am by my nature a very private person; I don’t appear much on social media for this reason.

I love spending time with my family and small circle of close friends. I would say I am an introvert; I often need to re-charge my own energy and for this reason I am happiest when somewhere quiet, in nature and calm.

I love to engage in continuous learning, reading, cooking and spending time walking my dogs.

Some may not know this about me, but I am a keen triathlete and I love the test and endurance of the half iron man distance 70.3!

I am often either swimming, biking or running!

I hope my small but honest biography gives you a feel for the type of person that I am and of the work that I am deeply passionate about.

There are lots of exciting developments coming soon so, watch this space!


A final Note about my clinical practice

I hold Professional Accredited Member status within the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCPS Prof Accred (PNCPS Acc.)

I work with integrity and at all times it is my commitment to practise in a way in which upholds our profession.

I adhere to the NCPS ethical guidelines for the therapeutic professions. I am DBS Checked and fully insured.

I attend and receive regular supervision of caseload in line with the ethical requirements of my role.

If you feel that you would like to work with me in therapeutic pratice, register your interest in reading my books, or you wish to enroll onto one of my professional or individual development courses, then please contact me here in the first instance.

  • I created my online resource, itsjustafeeling.co.uk, many years ago to help other people to understand anxiety and panic disorders and to show them how to learn to manage these symptoms and regain a good quality of life.
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