I am very excited to announce that my book series will be available very soon. I am going to teach you everything I know about navigating an anxious journey, from that first fearful feeling, to the point you are able to live more freely and beyond. I am going to use all of my knowledge from navigating my own journey to help you to understand yours.
I do believe that the time now is exactly right to introduce you to my Fear Monster® and all he stands for. I wish I could have done this sooner as my work with him has felt incomplete until now. You will come to understand why.
The Fear Monster® is an amazing but complex character you may think you understand him now, but you would be very wrong! I hope for you to come to see that he has so many dimensions to him, some of which may feel frightening, but others show his amazing capacity to help you. It has taken me twenty four years, along with the navigating of some incredible and unforeseen life events to understand him as I am able to now.
The books are going to follow a personal journey. This is important so that I am able to take you through the entire process of working with fearful feelings as I have learnt how. The Fear Monster® is reflective of my life, because he is born from my very real and personal fear journey .
You can register your interest to purchase the first book of the three book series: